Monday, November 23, 2009


I did something today of which I am proud. But I have no right to be... because I didn't really do anything, well, not much of a thing, really, in the grander scheme of things. Lately I've been praying to God for a passion for people. I've been asking Him to be my number one priority, and waiting I guess for opportunities to serve Him and others in small ways. I had one today and I think I did Him fairly proud. I didn't do what He would have done, because no one could do that... but He helped me to do something I've never done before. Isn't it funny how pride works though? Jesus made me do something impulsive, but then afterwards a small part of me wanted to pat myself on the back. Dislike. I only came to my senses when I realised that what I did was completely out of character; but not completely out of His character. I didn't do anything. Christ was driving and I am proud that He saw fit to do so.

I was also reminded today of the way in which I am excessively blessed; I want for nothing, although sometimes I want nothing but everything else. I should cut that out.

1 comment:

  1. What did you do?
    I have returned to the role of remarkableyear supporter by the way. I really liked the entry about Jody.
