Monday, September 14, 2009


Today sucked because it was really boring. I have an essay due next week so I spent most of the day reading about the French Revolution. Neo-Marxist scholarship leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I was working or semi-working from 10am until 5pm, probably one of my longest study days ever...

So tonight I hung out with Josh and we had bolognaise and watched this documentary about a Nazi stealth plane. This group of Americans who design and build stealth planes for the US military took the blueprints of this plane and made one of their own. They were saying that if it had gone into full scale production it would have changed the war irrevocably, because then the Germans would have won the Battle of Britain. Even crazier, they said that the Nazi brothers who designed it were in the process of designing a bigger one which Goering wanted to use to deploy an atom bomb in early 1946. I am gobsmacked.

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