Sunday, September 20, 2009


It is great to hang out with your friends and laugh immoderately, and that's what I did today with Dylan in theology. That course can be a little bit dry at times so I'm glad that I have friends who can spice it up.

We were talking and someone brought up the game "Zonk" and then things degenerated into great fun. For those of you who do not know, Zonk is a gender division game in which members of each sex take turns to turn over circles on a felt board and reveal the symbol underneath. There are different amounts of points on different circles, and the aim of the game is to get as many points as possible by lucky guesswork. Representatives of each sex get to flip up to three circles each turn to maximize their gender's points. There's a twist however. A number of the circles have the letter Z on the back, and a player who turns over one of these "zonks" loses all of their points for that round and is dismissed. Players may choose to end their turn after only one or two flips to protect the points they have collected.

It is a great game, the best thing about it being the way in which it manages to divide the sexes. Everybody gets sooooooo into it. The boys will yell zonk zonk zonk at the top of their lungs every time the girls have a turn, as if by shouting they increase the chances of their faltering. Conversely they will shout "BANK IT!!!" if one of their own has turned over some large points and still has turns remaining. I think the girls shout things too, but I'm not quite sure what because I can never hear them over the noise of the boys.

I think Zonk managed to divide the sexes today in theology as well. Dylan and I were having a grand old time reminiscing and I wrote "zonk" on a piece of paper and placed it face down in front of him. It was hilarious, but the girls failed to share our enthusiasm for the game. One person in particular did not seem to like it when i wrote her a secret note that just read "zonk" on it. Maybe she's just been zonked too many times over the years? Boys always win.


  1. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    zonk is ideally suited to playing in class. i wish i did theology.

  2. AHAHAHA!!! The best part was when you just burst out laughing. It was so loud and uncontrollable. The lecture was about Jesus' death and there you are just cracking up.

  3. Favourite line of the blog 'For those of you who do not know, Zonk is a gender division game...'
    Haha well done friend. I will have to remember this gag at the next kids camp.
