Sunday, September 27, 2009


In my English tutorial today I helped to perform A Midsummer Night's Dream in ten minutes and it went really well. I am not usually great shakes at acting because I am very self conscious in front of people; the more people watching me the more awkward and uncoordinated I become. I shake. But today was awesome because our play was supposed to be awkward and uncoordinated and I let adrenaline drive. I was Demetrius, Puck and Bottom, and sometimes those characters had to be on the stage at the same time so I was running around a lot, and then I had a gorilla mask pulled over me, and then I was Pyramus. I say that I did all these things, but really it was a group effort; Rebecca, Jess and Robert all pulled multiple roles as well and we worked well as a team with our numerous props. I felt real good afterwards.

It was also funny seeing what some of the other groups did. Kirsty's group did a hilarious adaptation of Twelfth Night, a short play about making that play. And Katie and Mila's group also did A Midsummer Night's Dream, although theirs was very very different and quite awesome. I think Katie was a little bit ashamed of it because she kept going on about how short it was and how it didn't cover the whole play yadda yadda yadda. And she hasn't even mentioned it on her blog! But it was hilarious to see Katie and Mila play Lysander and Demetrius and wooing that South African guy in the skirt. Katie doesn't need to be ashamed anymore because the moustache actually suited her.

And then tonight I went and saw UP which was fantastic. Really really feel good, I like it temporarily. Mark bought me some Pineapple Lumps to thank me for rushing to pick up the other Mark but we ended up swapping them for Malteezers... which it turns out neither of us really like. I wanted to share the treat Mark had bought me with Mark to thank him for buying it for me. When he gave them to me Mark said I could change them to Malteezers or something if I wanted, so I took that to mean that he would prefer Malteezers so I said: "sure, let's change them for Malteezers". He ended up paying several more dollars for them (they cost $6.80 at the cinema!) and it wasn't until we got into the cinema that we realised that we would have both preferred Pineapple Lumps. Haha. The moral of this story is that you should ALWAYS choose what you want and NEVER compromise or choose something else for the sake of someone else who you think wants something different, because you will both end up HATING it.


  1. One exception! You want something and God wants you to change for something different! Then it's okay to compromise what you want, cause then both of you all end up not hatin' it :)

  2. I suited the moustache? Thanks, I guess...
    It was hilarious and fun and you did awesome. Everyone was great.

  3. Because of your recommendation of UP to Eloise I ended up seeing it and loving it although it made me cry like no other children’s movie ever has!
    Ellie's friend,
